ooc;; <3

He'd made himself a door. Though the sentence did not exactly sound amazing, even to his own ears, the young wolf knew it to be an achievement. He'd carved a square out of the wall a few weeks ago and despite upsetting Demi in the process, he'd made his home. However, the gaping hole that left his living quarters open for all passers by to see was something that had been a little bit of a problem. It had taken him days to chop down a tree and fashion planks from the trunk. They weren't smooth and perfect, but they were the fruits of his labour and he was proud of them. He had fixed them together with a few nails he had found in Halifax and his door was complete. He had to figure out a hinge mechanism somehow. After knocking out a few chunks in the hole he had managed it. And his door was complete and working.

It didnt swing smoothely like it should do and it didnt quite close properly as well, but he had made it and he was proud of it. He had spent the last few days collecting bedding and other suck knicknacks for his room. There was a small side closet where his sword, bow and other such weaponry hung. He'd found a few blankets and was laying under them right now in his optime form. Blue eyes were dreary with the telltale signs of just having woken up and he had no doubt that he was probably half in there. He liked having a nap at this time of day when the rest of the pack was busy and he could sleep in peace. He rarely got any in the first place, so a well placed nap was good for the warrior.

However, he could hear music. He had been aware of the melody for at least ten minutes but he brain had yet to awake and he had stayed where he was, listening along. The bad tempered male was not of a muscial ear and rarely had any appreciation for music. However, he could not deny right now that the melody was beautiful. He stayed where he was for a moment before he decided it was time to go and investigate. Heaving the blankets back Teddy pulled on a pair of shorts, tucking his short dagger into his pocket as he did so. He would have liked to take his sword but it was too conspicuous so it would have to stay at home. Scraping the door back he exited.

It took less then five minutes for him to get out of the caves and into the weak sunlight. Snow still coated the slope but it did not hide the new scent in the air. Blue eyes spotted almost immediately the new figure- proped against a tree with an instrument to its lips. To his lips. Teddy could feel his spine straighten and he knew his guard hair along his back at stood on end. Although in optime form his hackles could still rise. He tried to force them down but it wouldnt work. It had to be a male, didnt it? Teddy loped towards the figure, blue eyes wary and hostile. Teddy knew he could not go through life attacking every male, but it was hard to break the habit of a lifetime.

”You are lurking outside Anathema's borders... I assume you have a good reason for this? Else give me one good reason why I should not chase you away from here.”

Came his gruff voice. Theodore Stone was never going to be friendly, but he could do civil. That was civil, right? Blue eyes stared at the musician whilst his arms crossed over his exposed chest. Perhaps there was something more to the lurker outside Anathema, but Teddy was only hear to protect his pack.

word count;; 648



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