ooc;; lovely post dear! <3

The young man in front of him was no fool. It was easy to see that he understood everything that was going on around him, he was very aware of the interaction between the two of them. It made Teddy wonder on those others he'd met- those who were very singular in their thinking and seemingly unaware of their surrondings. Not just their surrondings as in the snow and the trees around them, but the people they were with and the etiquette with which they were meant to act. Teddy had rarely met another who understood these protocols the way he did himself. So why inwardly Liev was impressed with Teddy's concealment of emotion, Teddy himself was impressed with the awareness and the knowledge of this male in social situations. He was brought back to the conversation by the mans answer, which surprised the man.

”You have a very strategic mind, Liev. What do you specialise in?”

Teddy was almost certain at this point that the man was a warrior or at least had been trained as a warrior. His awareness of the consequence's of his actions, which every warrior should be aware of. Though Teddy was conditioned to mistrust males, the dark man could see something in Liev that he might grow to trust or even like. It was very rare that Teddy admitted that there was a quality in another that he liked, let alone within a male. The russian wolf would feel privaleged if he understood what was going on the young mans mind. Blue eyes, though still blank, searched the man for anything that would reveal where he'd come from.

”Where have you come from?”

He asked instead, seeing nothing that would indicate where he had come from. He must have come from over the mountain, unless he had been wandering around Nova Scotia beforehand. There really was only one way in and out of the lands and that was the mountains. But maybe the male had come from somwhere specific.

word count;; 335



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