The sea knows my name


Time Goes Faster

Tala's whole body flinched when he nipped at her ear. It was something she was used to pups doing to each other, playing and nipping. Tala couldn't remember the last time she actually did anything remotely similar to playing until now. Tala felt like this was her brother she hadn't seen in years. They were so in tune and relaxed with each other some might not actually know. That was how Tala felt anyway. When the silver male barked Tala laughed, his exclamation quite evident. Tala excuse of a tail wagged slightly, the stump showing her content alongside the smile on her face.

Looking up at the silver brute Tala's amber eyes watched him. For one who had so many scars of abuse and ware physically, he was such a kind being. She knew all to many who were corrupted by abuse and neglect. It was a relief to see that the path most took had not enveloped Noah. It said a great deal about his will and character. Tala blinked as she felt more snow begin to fall, a single flake landing close to her eye, causing her to blink until her heat melted the dancing ice. Shaking her body slightly Tala huffed, the more snow began to fall the more she hated it. The warmth of the male did help substantially, but the cold of the winter still crept to her skin through her thick fluffy fur. The grey dappled female was rather fine with it all, considering she was laying on the beach in the middle of winter. She must be crazy, if she was willing enough to not suggest movement.

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