Chasing Fireflies
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OOC: MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE! Sorry about the delayed response, they'll be better after Christmas time, I promise, things are just hectic right now >_<

Delwyn grinned with her as Tala laughed. She definitely had the pose of someone older than he, so he'd been concerned that she'd be too 'serious' to talk to him: definitely the problem he'd had with Jefferson. "I'm sorry to say it, but I'm thinking you'll be stuck in the snow no matter where we go. I know of a cave that's probably dry enough... but we'd have trouble fitting. It was a tight squeeze when I was four months old, let alone now," he joked. His blazing orange eyes cast around the cold, cloudy field, looking for something interesting to head out towards. Finding nothing, he deferred to her experience.

"Tell you what: Why don't you lead the way, and I'll follow. Maybe together we'll find something for you to eat. Or, barring that, we can just TELL the others how successful you were, and conveniently forget what actually happened." He winked at this, his grin a goofy smile. "Perhaps while we travel you can tell me a bit of yourself? It's always fun meeting someone new."

Delwyn had always been open and friendly. It was a little more forced, after his time away, but he was determined not to have changed just because of his experience with battle and death. After all, one day, he was sure, he'd prove himself to be a mighty hero within the pack. And heroes need to be willing to fight.


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