I Need a Mentor
Hi thereee! Big Grin
  • NPCs are non-player characters. They're non-primary characters that you don't actually play -- more like companions for your character. :3 From the RP guide, "NPCs are like side characters you can interact with and include in your writing, but that you don't actually play consistently." I'd read over that page I linked there for more information about NPC characters. :3
  • Packs all provide similar perks -- they give you other people to roleplay with, you can play the pack games to earn points which can get you custom icons and titles, etc. Anathema is a new pack and it is typecast thus far as an outsider's pack, one that heavily engages in the occult and voodoo, other semi-magical things to that nature. :3 There's no actual magic in 'Souls, though, so be aware of that. If you're thinking about what packs may suit your character, though, I'd check out the Active Pack Summary. It provides brief information about all the different packs.
  • Luperci are our flavor of werewolf. They don't have human forms; they were born as wolves and they live as wolves. However, they have the ability to attain three separate forms -- lupus, which is just like a regular wolf; secui, which is a larger, heavier four-legged wolf form; and optime, which is your classic two-legged, humanoid werewolf. Not all characters are Luperci -- we have plenty of Non-Luperci characters and you are absolutely welcome to begin playing as a Non-Luperci. Best of all, later on if you decide to make your character a Luperci, it's a relatively simple process. Smile If you're interested in learning more about these guys, I'd read up on the Werewolf Basics section on the RP guide.
I hope that helps to answer your questions! Please let us know if you have any more, and welcome to 'Souls. Hope you enjoy it here. :3

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