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WC: 477 +2 OOC: Big Grin she gets sooo technical when it comes to the horses ^^

Liliana beamed with pride. She was happy that Layla loved the horse, and it seemed she liked the looks of the mare as well. She helped the woman off Grace and she looked over the mare she’d called Starshine. Liliana let the woman to the horse, and watched, the mare took to Layla very well and was happy, she moved the stool over to the mare’s left side to wait for when Layla would be ready.

Well they are a nice big responsibility, but I’m sure you can handle it with your pups coming and all, Horses normally eat quite a bit, I feed them twice a day, a nice big bucket of hay and oats, I can give you some rations, though you are welcome to come back for more if there isn’t any in your pack.

She said, knowing that Layla was paying attention even though she was cooing over the horse.

You want to make sure she’s brushed daily, never go against the hair though, it’s rather uncomfortable, and they do need their hooves picked daily.

She said demonstrating how to pull up their hoof, though she wasn’t sure the pregnant woman would be doing this right away as her arm ran down the mare’s leg, as a sign she wanted the horse to lift her foot. She looked at Layla to make sure she was paying attention.

You see around here? The middle part? They get a lot of muck in that part, which can in turn get infected, just take a pick and clean it out. It’s not too hard and doesn’t hurt them, in fact relieves them in so many ways.

She said, letting the horse have her leg back. Then she showed Layla how to brush the mare, before she put on a makeshift saddle. The normal tack Liliana used was very rare, and would be quite a trade, so she was sure Layla could get home with a blanket and roped reigns, which still at least had the bit for the horse to be directed.

Now when riding her, you don’t want to squeeze your legs against her sides, she’ll think you want to go faster, keep your legs loose and her reigns a little loose, but not too tight either, that way she’ll go at a nice walk, I don’t think you should go more than a walk with your pups and all, I don’t think it would be safe going faster. To stop pull up on the reigns. It’s quite simple.

She said, then stopped knowing it was a lot to take in all at once, if she knew how to write, she would, but Liliana did not have that luxury of learning when she was a young pup, but that mattered to her little, she was sure Layla would get what she was saying.

Any questions?


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