Falling Rain.

no problem Smile

Moonfyre cocked his head at Echo’s question. He doesn’t know Halifax? Then he thought on the subject. He couldn’t just Echo, Moonfyre didn’t know the least bit of this place when he first arrived either. The rain began to lighten up, and Moonfyre shook his coat. A spray of rain flew everywhere and possibly on his friend, too. It was still raining hard, but at least it wasn’t pelting down like before.

Halifax is a part of the human city where there is a bunch of stores and houses to explore. I’m basically going shopping; I need to find some things to keep me from getting bored. You should find yourself a bag and take some things back with you.

Moonfyre gave him one last look, and turned to walk toward Halifax. He wanted to get his exploring on.

Moon speaks Moon acts Moon thinks/emphasizes

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