Baby, it's like voodoo.

ooc: weeee!

Skye turned the small journal around in her hands, admiring it from every angle. It was covered in plush, white rabbit fur, bound to brown, stiff tree bark. She saw that the spine was made out of bone and nodded; that would hold well and be sturdy for many years to come. She opened it and saw broad, flat leaves that were bright green and great for writing on with any medium – pencil, paint, or chalk would stand out against the leaves. She grinned and looked back up at Bangle, who seemed to be embarrassed for some reason Skye couldn’t explain.

She smiled at his comment that he didn’t see what she saw in reading. There was everything in reading! ”It’s perfect,” she said again. ”I can write anything I want in here…It’s perfect, Bangle. Thank you.” She looked up at him and smiled, a genuine, pure smile lighting up her face. She loved this present; she had been tired of trying to find paper to write on, tired of ripping out the blank pages in the back of old books that were yellow and wrinkled. Leaves had worked, but they were scattered across her house – but no more. Now she had a book to write in!

She was glad at his comment about making the book – she would love to learn that, so she could replicate it and perhaps make more. Nothing she would do would be the same as the incredible craftsmanship of Bangle’s, but she was sure she could make some makeshift copies of the book. This one, however, would always be special to her – would always be the one book that all others in her life would be judged. She was so glad she knew Bangle.

First, though, a swim. And why not? The crystal clear pool was inviting, and Skye was suddenly aware of the hot sun beating down on her fur. Grinning at his remark, she took off her clothes and lay them in a neat pile next to her bag and book. Then, without another moment of delay, she dove into the pool after Bangle, popping up out from the water and shaking droplets everywhere.


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