[M] Echo me in circles.

OOC:Sorry for the late post Sad

Kemo had been walking for a while, not really paying attention to where he had been going. He had woken up this morning with a strange feeling, a gentle tug in his mind telling him to leave his den and take a walk. A quick survey of the weather proved to him that this morning was perfect for a little walk. He had nothing better to do today, nothing spectacular planned ever since he had left Ralla so long ago, or at least that's what it seemed like to him. Winter had arrived with quite a bang this year, bringing with it a blanket of snow over the past week, but today no snow fell and he even felt the warmth of the sun on his back.

Before long he realized something was familiar about this part of the forest. The sounds each part of these lands made each had their own unique song, this one taking him back to a recent event, one that had happened coincidentally right where he had just placed a paw. The faint scent of wolf blood and that female's scent was all around him, though it was very faint with age and the falling snow. This was it then...this is where it had happened. It hadn't been long since the day he had met the wolfess here, breaking her treasured item and taking another as well from her, but the meeting had ended on a positive note. As stated before, what had started as rape had ended peacefully, even so much as to say with care.

He had fallen asleep shortly after tying with the female and when he had woken up she was gone. Not surprising. He didn't really care either way...the Moon does as it wills and he is only meant to follow its will. Of course he had no idea the Moon willed him to see the wolfess again, and so with a sigh and a step he headed to the nearby lake he had cleaned himself in on that day, stopping only when he caught the fresh scent of the wolfess again. "Strange...but could this be from that day?" The scent was too new, he knew that, but why had she returned here?

A splashing sound caught his ears and he made it to the lake, stopping just on the shore and sitting down on his haunches. The scent trail stopped just at the water's edge, so he assumed she must have jumped in. How would she react to seeing him? Would she freak and attack him as she had done before, or would she merely ignore him and act as if he was just as invisible as the air around him? He supposed there was only one way to find out, shifting into optime form and lighting up a fresh joint he had rolled that morning. The sweet scent filled the air again and he sat contentedly in wait for whatever the Moon willed to happen to him next.

Kemo ”talks”, walks, and thinks.

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