Forever I'll be me

As bad as Cypress had wanted to be first, the process had never seemed to work for him when he had to try and force it. Instead it happened completely unexpected and luckily (in his opinion) it had while he was alone. It had been slightly startling and he had no control at the time. But he had wanted it and embraced it. Though now he knew not what to do with the new body. He still felt far more at home on his four legs than two. "It will happen eventually, don't worry." He said trying to encourage his brother without giving away what he already knew. He wasn't ready for Alder to know. He wanted momma to be the first to know.

Absentmindedly he bit his lip. Wondering if she should run off and try to find her now since Alder obviously wasn't attached to her at the moment. But that probably meant she was busy anyway. He sighed, the boy was anxious. Wanting to share the news before either of his brothers had the chance. Alder obviously hadn't developed the skill yet, though Cypress had to admit that was hardly a surprised. But what about Oak?

No longer suspecting that Alder knew his secret. The boy was starting to see the conversation and what Alder's point really was. "You're not scared, are you?" The question was rather accusing. A grin pulled at the corners of his mouth, though Cypress had no idea his lips were beginning to curl a bit of cruel smile. The change was inevitable and Cypress saw no point in worry about anything he could not do anything about. Just put your head down and shoulder it. Alder needed to learn to accept the truths of the world.

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