This love is only gonna break your heart
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She was glad that he didn't blame her, though a sinking, guilty feeling still plauged her. She wished that there had been something she could have done, that the fire hadn't been coming so fast. Maybe that she could have been a little bit stronger. But she knew, in the end, nature would have its way. The lands would be burnt over now, and in a few months the territories would begin all over again...with new life spring up out of the ashes. The same would happen with these packs; they would grow and begin a new life as well.

"Me too." She nodded. She'd been thinking about Sirius and Apollo a lot lately, actually. "Do you think, Lucifer...maybe their father is alive? I would think that the father of them would be Pilot...but I'm not sure. She never said. She did name one after him....but I'm not sure if that means that they're his or not. Maybe I should try and find him."


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