Faces painted in the sand


The fae would occasionally pull her hands from the water to release them of the icy cold the water had taken upon itself as temperature during these harsh winter months.Though her limbs were starting to become well aware and even slightly numb to the cold as she washed her new found treasures she did not think about it all to much. Her mind was set very firmly on the outcome she would receive. Tala's movements were soft and almost fragile, as if what she held was about to shatter in her hands if her touch was to firm or her movements to fast. She knew this was ridiculous, metal did not simply shatter. Her body refused to believe this though. Dragging the chain through the water once more before pulling it's dripping silver form from the water she couldn't help but grin, for the simplicity it held, it was beautiful. A thick chain of silver metal, long enough she could probably wear it in Lupus form if she so wished. Though she knew there were other treasures to be revealed. She placed the lone clean scrap alomg the pebbles as she reached in to grab another dirty trinket.

There was noise from behind her, a rustling of sorts, it sounded like something had disturbed the bushes. The head of the dappled fae turned to see just what exactly had caused the occurrence. Her eyes quickly landed on her frame and Tala was left almost breathless, the shadows of the tree draping across his body made him honorably handsome. His tall frame and subtle stance were nothing short of gentlemen like. Her amber eyes locked with his silver orbs and she raised a hand to motion for him to come over if he so wished. "Davyn, it's wonderful to see you again." Her voice was soft, as if to not disturb the sleeping surroundings around the lake. The birds were loud as they pestered the foreign body to leave their tree alone. The sight made Tala laugh lightly, raising a paw to her mouth to try and hide it.

The dappled fae was quite surprised to see him here, and at this hour none the less. The sun was barely in the sky and even the birds seemed to be groggy this morning. Tala held a pendant in her hand, it had a familiar shape but she could not make out what it was under several years worth of collected and compacted dirt. Though the grey female's curiosity was still running high, she was more than happy with conversing with Davyn, along or instead of washing her treasures. He was almost better than they were, just as new and even more delightful.

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