Iron is in the blood... it is what transports the oxygen to the cells but people who are anemic need more iron in their diet... they are also paler than others and suffer from fatigue easily... as well as the whole body heat thing... weakness, shortness of breath, dizziness/lightheadedness, irritability, inflammation or soreness of the tongue, decreased immune system (making more likely to get sick), brittle nails, arrhythmia (which is an irregular heartbeat), restless leg syndrome, poor appetite, cravings for things of non-nutritional value such as ice, dirt, and starch... of course not all happen but they all have the possibility of happening... like i lack the body heat, get sick easy, poor appetite, love ice and potatoes (which contain starch), shortness of breath (which could also be because of my asthma), and feel all dizzy and weak

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