Dancing through life
Yeah I have issues Wink Blame it on "mother hood" lol

The silver Sawtooth male knew how the female felt, he might have family here but really did he know them? Jazper was always out learning thing from Noah’s father, Taliesin was his one and only litter mate and really they were not that close, his was father’s favorite and it was nothing less than the color of his coat. Noah gave a grunt as he pushed his head into Rendall’s shoulder as she spoke about how she had no family here. He could see it bothered her, he felt bad he really did. He had family but he didn’t really know any of this so called family that he did have here. He felt bad after seeing how miserable it made her not have any one here that she could call a real brother, or even a real sister. With a heavy sigh he rested his head down upon her paws not sure what he could do to help her and that was bothering him. He wanted to help her and normally he could always think of something to say or something to do to make someone feel better, this time he was at a lost.

Hearing the pause in her voice the male looked up at her, her white cheeks had a flushed tone upon her pale color facial skin. The male chuckled as he raised his head up off his paws and touched his cool blacken nose to her warm flushed cheek. Pulling his head back he gave his head a shake, no don’t stop! He wanted to hear her stories they sure beat the ones that he had to tell. Her was about a family that she wanted to meet, he had only a few more member of his family that he had to meet and then he was pretty sure he was done, well..Pretty sure as one could be. You never know with some of these female that liked to pop the pups out one litter after another.[html] ”Don’t know.” [/html]The male rolled his shoulders to her question, really what could he say about Jazper? He was gone so long from seeing one another that Noah didn’t really know him or know much about him, other than he was an older brother figure to him.

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