Dancing through life
ooc: Aww I'm sorry, I'm only an auntie but I find that I have to take care of my nephew alot XP lol though I cant say its anything close to being a mother. keep your chin up though I'm sure things will get better Smile, Word count: 502

Rendall froze for a moment when Noah put his nose to her cheek and looked at him for a moment, no male ever did that to her. She stared only for a moment more before looking down shyly. “You sure you don’t mind? I usually don’t talk about this stuff…with anyone.” She didn’t like talking anyones ear off, and according to the old man who watched over her on the boat, she did it a lot. Well, technically she did it a lot to him, she thought it was funny to see his annoyed reactions knowing that he was stuck with her all day while out on sea. Though she always wondered why he never left them when they made port. Vulcan told her it was cause she was the only one who ever cared about the old man enough to talk to him. Though she knew that the old wolf had much more reasoning than just that…didn’t he?

She was lost for a moment again before she heard Noah. She looked up at him surprised, He knew as much about his brother that she knew about hers. Ren felt pity on him though she knew the fact didn’t truly bother him as much as it did her. But that was alright, it was what made him nice to be around. “I’m sorry. I know my two sisters are kind alike me…except Yiska. I hear that shes kinda mean. Maybe its cause shes the normal colored one. She was the only one that wasn’t born with highlights or unusual fur.” Ren rested her head on Noahs paws and thought for a while more. Perhaps it was a good thing she hadn’t met her sisters. Perhaps they were changed and wouldnt accept her even though she was their little sister.

No one could ever really know anything about the people they haven’t met. She sighed. It didn’t matter now, maybe she would meet them in the future, if not she knew that they had good lives with mates and pups. The thought made her smile knowing that she was aunt. Maybe she would go on another trip in a few years and meet them. For now she needed to stay in Pheonix Valley and relearn everything she had missed. She looked up at Noah and nuzzled her face into his chest. “Thanks Noah. For listening and all, maybe one day I’ll tell you the whole story.” Now that she felt a little better…again, she thought about how to teach Noah to shift. “So, I guess when I start to teach you the first form we’ll start with is secui, it doesn’t require a lot of change on your body, so itll be easier to do.”

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