This love is only gonna break your heart
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She wasn't sure if Pilot would try and take the pups with him or not...but either way, Twilight Vale was really the best place for them right now. Maybe later, when they didn't need Deuce's milk...but still. They hadn't known who the pup's father was when she had brought them here. And without Naniko, they wouldn't be alive--they would have died in the fire, with Dierdre. Surely Pilot would let them stay here, at least for a while longer.

"I hadn't seen her in a while, not since she came to me for some medicine around three months ago...I can't believe what's happened since then. Three months ago seems like such a long time ago." She was silent for a few moments. "Of course you're right. They belong here...with their family. He's family, as well...but....I don't know. He does deserve them, too...they're his...but right now they're ours. They need us."She said finally.

"I've seen her with them--she's great. If I ever have pups, I'll know what to do because I've learned a lot from seeing Deuce with all of them" She grinned. "You picked a great lady, Lucifer. Our families will grow together--we'll rule these lands side by side."

Naniko felt better now that they'd come up with a solution. The fish weren't flopping at all any more, not even breathing, so she felt okay with leaving them for a little while. She started toward the water, looking back at him. "It's warm enough" She put her paw in.


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