And how many of you feel ashamed

wc: 3+
SoSuWriMo: 335

The mention of her grandmother seemed to cheer the man up immensely. He became awfully enthusiastic about explaining how he knew Kaena to the Lykoi girl, who listened politely, more due to the fact that she was still enthralled with his manner of speaking than that she was actually interested in the content. The prior mention of him having met her father was far more intriguing to China, but she held her peace respectfully, nodding when appropriate. "Nice to meet you, Cass. You're a friendly sort, then! I quite like you already." What a peculiar thing to admit! But the silvery girl had never been one to play by society's rules, and she spoke as she wished. Besides, she really did feel an attachment to this grizzled fool, what with his funny voice and lovely violet eyes.

At the mention of her family, she sat a little straighter, blue eyes narrowing to focus on his spluttering form just a little clearer. "You don't say..." In spite of the joint nestled between her fingers, China seemed impeccably clear-minded. Perhaps her body had already built that level of tolerance to casual smoking of the drug. She was thinking of this wide-spread family he mentioned - No wonder her heart had been drawn back to this place! The Earthmother was clearly calling her here for more than just reunions sake. This was where the clay that had built her entire bloodline was founded.

Relaxing slightly, China shuffled her meager weight, crossing her legs neatly on the old mattress. She reached out to pat Cassius' leg casually, as though that might sooth his coughing. The girl knew nothing of healing, only that the marijuana might take away some of his pain. She held it out to him again. "This here is good stuff. Just take a puff of it, love. It'll help you rest easier." A sweet, innocent smile curved her maw, but still her eyes were strangely calculating. "Tell me Cass, are we related? Where are you from?"

Speak think walk


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