And how many of you feel ashamed

Cass wasn't sure how much the girl knew of her grandmother, but she seemed interested with what he was saying, regardless of the topic. He knew he spoke a little differently than most around here, but he hardly considered himself an oddity. Of anything, everyone else was more of an oddity to him. But Cass didn't like to be the judging sort. Definitely not with friendly China here. He kind of liked her, she seemed to like him, everyone was friendly over here. "Well, likewise China! I'd say I done feel tha same way," he replied happily.

China insisted that he "take a puff" of the joint, saying he would be able to rest easier. And if it healed pain, Cass would be up for anything at this moment. As he took the joint and half reluctantly took a drag, China went on to ask if they were related and where he came from. It was probably a combination of the burning sensation from the joint and the question she asked that sent Cass into a bit of a coughing fit. Hr patted his chest and went on to answer her. "Naw gurl, we ain' blood. I ain' even from 'round 'ere. I wus born 'n grew up down south in Louisianna, in tha heart o' Nawlins. Y'know, the Big Easy." He coughed a little more, then continued. "I done lived on the bayous, out in them swamps with tha gators an' stuff."

Word Count: 300


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