Let The Water Fill our Lungs,
OOC- Woah! Hey there! I caught a Libri, YAY.

He shook his fur, loosening the rest of the water and tidied his desheveled hair. It was admittedly stupid to be swimming at this time of year. But being him, he had always been oblivious to the cold, but he still wore human clothes in winter to ease others concerns. Valinta dripped through his mind once again. Her dancers body and odd ways, thinking made him grin and wish she was here. But he noticed something, that drew him out of his thoughts. J'adore noticed a female. She seemed a bit discomforted by his exsistence at the beach. He also noticed her eyes. Ruby red and narrowed. Her coat was a nice copper colour and J'adore could tell where she was from. Inferni, at least thats what he supposed. She had a large coyote ring to her person and Inferni was where the most coyotes and coyote hybrids were from. He, noticing her behaviour, considered keeping his head down and moving on, but if he couldn't make friend with the female, he didn't have any enemies yet... He lifted his hand up into an odd wave and shouted 'Hey'. He wasn't sure what her reaction would be, if she would wave back or storm over to cause a fight. Personally he prefered the former, but everybody needs some spice in there life. He only hoped he would not be in a life threatening situation, he was on good terms with Valinta and would kind of liked to see her again. He walked towards the female, noticing her weapon and wishing he had something to defend himself if the need arose. She kind of looked as if she'd kill him if he said the wrong thing. 'Inferni, right?' J'adore asked as he stood, admitted further away than you would in a normal conversation, in front of her. He was not imposing, in fact he was totally submissive, his ears were up and his posture was relaxed as he waited for the females response.

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