Baby, it's like voodoo.
462 words. And I know right?! XD Okay, I think my next post will be the ONE. <3

It was amazing the things that water could do, it did more than provide an ample drinking substance, or even to clean oneself of dirt and even wounds. But it also had the power to change one, emerge anew, and resurface with a fresh outlook on the world and its inhabitants. That was exactly how Bangle felt at that moment, bobbing in the water with the russet haired beauty. As the coywolf took his seat and waited for her to join him, he turned away from the pool and shut his eyes for a moment, trying to control his thoughts. 'No, you'll be leaving when winter is through,' his mind nagged at him. There must have been something in that oasis, though, for a little voice in his head was beginning to tell him that his gypsy days were just about over.

The salesman did not want to believe it, and so forced it from his mind. When he opened his bright orange eyes, they reflected the waves of orange and brown hair that Skye had, as she took a seat next to him. She decided not to put her clothes back on, and they were dangerously close. From here, Bangle could still feel her body heat emanating from her damp fur, but he could not peel his eyes away from her orange locks. It was something about that color, the way they matched the color of his own eyes, that seemingly put the traveling salesman in a trance. When the female settled and look at him, ready for instruction, he shook his head, getting himself back into focus.

He was nearly glad that he could find himself something else to stay busy with, even though he was showing Skye how it was done. Bangle leaned to the left, brushing her forearm with his own bangle, feeling himself turn red with indescribable emotions as he reached for a rib bone of some sort and a sharp piece of rock. The rock knife, of sorts, was light to hold, but durable to cut away even at the densest of bone. "'Ere," Bangle managed to say finally into the quiet afternoon air. He gently handed her the two objects and let her get a feel for them. "That's what I made th' spine with," Bangle began, looking from the tools to her face. His eyes lingered there for a moment before continuing. "Yeh'll wanna hold that rock with two 'er three fingers, and go against the grain of th' bone ever so slightly. Jus' give it a shot!" He tried to make his voice as loose and light as it always had been, but for some reason it felt as if there was still water in his lungs, making him unable to speak normally.


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