May we meet again...!
OOC: XD Shaw-butt. For real? Lawl.

Valinta giggled at Sky. She had been named as an aunt for all of her children, despite not being there. This one -- or two, or three-- would have her as an aunt as well. Her little babies, though not so young as babies anymore, were already starting to decide there life-paths in the pack. Nobyl Shaw Austral, her son, was working at becoming a warrior. She worried about him sometimes, but his siter was always there to help him when he was hurt. She was a fierce little girl, Ferrari was. She had an odd name, Ferrari Skye Austral, but she was a much-loved member of the pack. She couldn't wait to grow up and see the world, despite her already having a life-path of medic chosen. But her little babies were with their father, J'adore, the man that they looked up to and loved.
But they, despite always being her first priority, were pushed slightly to the back of her mind for now. Sky was here again, and she loved her like she was her sister. Then again, Valinta had never had a sister, so she wouldn't know, but she still loved her.
"Don't worry, you're the aunt of all of them," Valinta laughed. "Ferrari and Nobyl included." She smiled upon saying the name of her children. She loved them so much, it brought her happiness just thinking about them. Going to AniWaya had probably been the best idea of her life. No, not probably. It was most definetly the best idea of her life.
Skye had come over. Skye, the woman that she'd grown to be friends with. "Well, Skye's right here." Valitna said happily. "She's mated to Bangle now, I think. Got some pups as well." She laughed quietly. But Shawchert... That was difficult to answer.
"I don't know about Shawchert." Valinta said. "I left soon after you did, maybe a week or so afterwards." She scowled. "Besides, I've never liked his mate. She's... I just don't know about her." Valinta didn't really want to stir up drama in a pack that wasn't hers, or in any pack, really, but she didn't really like Shawchert's mate. The woman seemed nice at first, but then got different after Shaw had mated her. Or at least Valinta thought so.
Either way, the woman was not among Valinta's favorites, and she'd leave it at that. She'd let Skye do the rest of the talking, as Valinta didn't really know much else about the pack after that, having left it so quickly to be with J'adore.

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