Baby, it's like voodoo.

There was a hard lump in the coywolf's throat, but he wasn't at all nervous about how she'd carve the rib bone. He didn't even care if she butchered it, he had plenty to spare. No.. it was how close, physically, they were to each other. Was there something in that water? Whatever it was, it made him feel anxious and happy and worried all at once. In the back of his mind, he made a note to bottle some up for future sales.

The red and gray furred male watched her hands intently as she followed his instructions. After the ivory shaving fell away from its host, he noticed briefly that it was too thick a shaving, from his trained eye. Without even thinking about what he was doing, Bangle quickly slid over so he was behind the female, immediately taking both her hands with his. They were two bodies, working as one, as his muzzle came forward above her left shoulder, their faces nearly touching. It was like voodoo, one person controlling the actions and feelings of the other. But who was in control, the male couldn't say. Bangle was thinking more of a craftsman, then, as he helped her guide the dagger to the bone, making a smaller and thinner shave on the rib.

That was when she looked towards him, and suddenly it clicked. Their bodies were touching, and he could feel her body warmth despite her fur still being damp from their swim. Brown eyes met bright orange ones, both dancing as they looked to one another for seemingly different, and yet similar, confirmations. Skye had asked him if what she was doing was right, but in Bangle's mind, he was thinking she had asked the question to an entirely different subject, one that was making his heart beat against her back.

"Yes," he breathed. Orange and cream was all that Bangle could see, then, for everything before him swirled, as he leaned in to kiss her.

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