Dancing through life
OOC: I'm sorry for the wait Sad but here we are lol if you want to we can finish this thread up and start on the one for her to teach him. word count: 493

Rendall looked at the male, he was so kind and helpful. She smiled when he called her M’Lady, she was no duchess but the male still treated her like so. She crinkled her nose and smiled when he playfully nipped at her fur. She lifted her head and smiled. This male would have been a proper fit for Rendall in her mother’s eyes. But ren had a feeling his heart was elsewhere. She licked the side of his face as a guesture of kindness. She was happy to have him as a friend. Hopefully, If he stayed in the Valley, daily visits with him would help heal her past scars. Hopefully.

Ren perked her ears forward when he asked about the form. “Well as a luperci you have three forms you can shift into. Your lupus which your in now, and the other two forms, Secui and Optime. Your optime form allows you to walk on two feet and and use devices that the humans used long ago. Your secui form is a mix between your lupus and optime form. Its good to begin with cause your body only changes alittle. Once you get that one down you ken take it up a bit and try optime form.”

She stood up for a moment and grabbed a blanket laying near them. She then winked at Noah and closed her eyes. Clearing her mind and thinking of the Secui form. It helped her when she thought of which form she wanted. Then as her body responded to her minds demand she relaxed letting the muscles shift around the cracking bones easily. When she opened her blue eyes back up she smiled again at Noah. “This is the first form I told you about.” She moved around for a moment showing the differences between the two forms. “Not as revealing as the optime” Ren laughed and closed her eyes again and thought of her optime form. This time though as her body changed she wrapped the blanket around her body. Allowing all the more…..embarrassing areas to be covered. “This one is the second. Itll take time to adjust to but as you get better…”She shifted back down to her lupus form with ease. “Itll be like walking from one form to another.”

Ren walked back over and laid back down next to him her leg ached after the shifting and she licked at the angry pink scar that ran down it. Mumbling and grumbling under her breath she stretched it out a little and worked the dull pain from her body. “Of course when you have things like this you’ll have to learn with dealing with the ache that comes with it all. Like your shoulder. You’ll have to learn to stretch it afterwards otherwise it’ll become stiff.” She gave him a slightly apologetic look, but she didn’t want to lie to him. He needed to learn what came with the whole package.

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