So the Reunion is off?
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I figured I'd have Gaël drop by CdM :3. Preferable open to someone who knew Heath which I'm sure is like everyone XD. SSWM: 468

Gaël had been wanting to visit his brother’s pack, though was not even aware that he had left with his wife and pups. There was excitement brewing in his chest as he walked alone in the snow. It had been what seemed like ages since he last saw Heath and wondered how he was doing all this time. He did wish their sister could be here as well so it was like one big family reunion, though he had yet to find her and wondered where she could be. The ground was covered in a white blanket and the trees were shedding their morning coats. The green of the pines still showed brightly in contrast to the color of the snow. The giant’s secui form passed through the vast amount of green and made sure that he was still visible himself. With his colors, he wouldn’t be surprised it some couldn’t see him from the color of his underside. His turquoise eyes watched straight ahead so he knew where he was going and kept his nose up so that he knew he wasn’t trespassing into another pack’s territory. Although he was a loner, he still held respect for the packs and did not enter unless he had permission from a member or the leader themselves. The male could feel the snow building up on his paws. He took a moment to run it off on a nearby tree before he continued on.

After a while of tracking though the woods, Gaël finally caught the scent of the pack’s borders and looked around. Much like always there wasn’t really anyone around so he figured he would wait here for someone to come by. He brought his guitar along this time, though was not really feeling much for playing it. His excitement to see his family was overcoming and he was not sure how he could control it. The giant’s fur dancing along with the breeze as he waited. He leaned against a nearby tree, not wanting to just stand at the borders acting suspicious. He was a gentle one and tried not to put anyone in a state of uneasiness if it was able to be avoid. In this case it was easy seeing as he was still in his smaller Halfling form. Had he of been in his optime form, he was sure anyone would be uneasy towards his size. The male gently leaned his instrument against the tree as his eyes watched the borders. Surely it was typical for more in the winter time to patrol around and make sure there was no one around to try and take something or attack while the cold season was still in play. He remained calm and closed his eyes as he pondered of who he would meet up with.


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