Forever I'll be me

written in bed, so if its not coherent or doesn't flow plz tell me!

His word were mean. He hadn't meant them to be, but they were. What was worse was that he didn't feel sorry for them at all. Well, he did feel a little sorry as he saw the hurt in Alder's eyes, but that emotion was cast aside by the hot, glowing embers of anger and jealousy that had taken seed in his chest. Cypress felt that the words he had spoken rang true as much as they were an act of name calling. Name calling was wrong, as momma had taught them, but she had also taught them to tell the truth and so Cypress was happy with his little loop hole that left him feeling far less guilty than he ought. For the now, at least.

It wasn't as if he did not love his brother. For he did, it was just so frustrating that Alder couldn't seem to see the potential of what he had been given at birth. What Cypress lacked. Though the darkest boy was guilty of the same crimes he charged his brother with. For Cypress also was not as small as he felt. He was smaller than his brothers yes, but his height was nearing the high end of average. But with hulking masses like his brothers or even Jazper to compare himself with it was no wonder the boy thought himself a little on the small side.

"Are too! You cling to mother like you still suckel at her teet like a whelp!" He spat back, convincing himself that is best that Alder come to realize this truth. His ears flat back and the hair on his neck started to stiffen as he felt the anger grow in his chest. He better not cry! He better not. Shifting was not so bad. This was not so bad. Cypress knew what fear was. He had felt it to the core of his bones one dark, dreadful night. The boy had feared for his very life that night. But Alder was scared of everything. Everything! At least that's how it seemed. It was foolish and no way for his brother to live. He needed to learn to push past his uncertainty and fear or he would never experience life. Cypress just didn't know how to get that message out there.

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