A thorn in the paw
Valinta sighed in an oddly frustrated manner, as if she was explaining something for the umpteenth time.
"I thought. You needed. A hug." she enunciated carefully. "You looked like you were having a bad day. And now I just realize that maybe you weren't. And you were having the best of days. But you're just an ass, so you'll look pissed instead."
Valinta, how ever ready she was to explain herself, didn't want to explain her crappy logic to him. So she made up an easy lie, that would definetly fit her at this time. "Doors are so passe. I don't want to go through a door. I prefer windows." she said.
Tacking on a truth at the end, Valinta murmered a quiet "It was part of my upbringing."
Which it was. After getting caught watching her father during his private meetings with the betas, she had been forced to tell how many times she'd watched the meetings. She had watched all of them since she learned where they were, and her father immediately set her on the track of espianage. Valinta had flourished in the company of her tutor, Danya. The Spy Mistress of the pack had been the best of the best, and only trained a few. Valinta had been one of those few.
A woman known for lying and being able to get out of any situation was like a second mother to Valinta, in her lukewarm, condescending way. But the woman had moments of great warmth, when Valinta had injured herself attempting something too advanced. But she had gone quickly back into her cold shell. Danya had never liked giving more attention than necesary.
Valinta looked at Jensen, and rolled her eyes at his large smile, but inwardly swooned. I am a spy. I have no emotions. He is a jackass. He hates me. she thought in a desperate attempt to not giggle like a loon.

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