Let The Water Fill our Lungs,
Yep, definately Inferni... he thought his tail swishing lazily. He didn't mean any harm from his though, he didn't really know any Inferni canines, he didn' know enough to judge them either. 'Hi' he repeated, a little concious of the blade she harbored. 'Lykoi'he murmered, knowing the sign even though never speaking directly to them. Wait. Why would and Inferni member wander this far? This he didn't know and decided not to question. He waited for her to say anything... the silence was killing him. For all he knew she could be plotting how to butcher him like a fresh kill. Not that he would die from an attack should the situation arose. He wasn't armed, but if he had to fight... surfise to say he had his weapons. Tell a lie he WAS armed, his hunting knifes lay in his bag, but he didn't wish to start a conflict, and it probably wouldn't metter if he was attacked,, he wouldn't have time to reach for them. If her did, he'd give her a chance to kill. 'I mean no harm' he said suddenly. Not knowing if the female would believe him. Maybe this was how Vee felt? he wonered thinking of his Cercatori friend...

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