all you need is love

SSWM: 500

There was a wolf loose in the forest.

Truth be told, he was not a wolf except in build, but to prowling eyes who did not know the difference it would be hard to spot. Gabriel was as large as a wolf and had wolf-like markings, and he walked like a wolf. Oddly enough though, he did not consider himself such. While the wolf was a large part of who he was, it was only blood and nothing more. Yet the wolf was instinct and blood that had made him capable of fighting and surviving against them, and of holding together a clan of coyotes that would otherwise likely have no reason to live together. His wolfish traditions had forced him to keep a chain of command and a rule of dominance viable. Warrior-king as he was, Gabriel knew that Inferni’s survival lay with the wolf as much as it did with his coyote fighting techniques.

Today was not a day for war, though, nor a day for much else. He patrolled constantly, occasionally running into strangers, but more often than not finding nothing. Nothing was always better than another dead body, but thankfully they had been without those for some time. Peace, when it came to Inferni, was welcomed. At least for a time, that was. Gabriel tired of the repetition and the endless boredom, but he would not argue against seeing his family safe. Since Itachi’s stunt with Kaena, he had become wary of the possibility of another Haku—he did not wish to think of it as such, but he saw the same darkness in his grand-nephew as he had seen in that beast. Hopefully, though, Itachi would learn as Haku had not that Inferni and Gabriel would crush those who opposed them.

It was not his desire to kill more of his family.

The cold did not bother him, thanks once again to his wolfish pelt. Thickly furred he was only bothered by the bare patches of skin, but movement limited this to an occasional annoyance. It was the wind that bothered these the most. Snorting bullishly, the Aquila shook his neck and paused to mark a tree. As he finished, the sound of voices floated to him over the wind. While they certainly did not carry the tone of intruders, he was curious as to who would be so far north in the territory. Most of the clan stuck towards the center or south-east of the Waste, finding the open area or Mansion more inviting than the dark forest that Gabriel loved so much.

He approached easily, making little effort to move silently, following the well-worn tracks that made for easy travel in a place that would otherwise be difficult to navigate. Gabriel did not stand out against the mottled forest, thanks to his sable pelt, but he did not try and hide—it was not his goal to sneak up or startle what he was now certain were clan members. Noisy ones at that.

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