M - Darling I want to... destroy you.

OOC I popped a mature warning up at the first post since we decided to do this. ^_^ wc 936

“That's a good boy,” she said satisfactorily. He was so willing and had such a deep innate desire to please that it was an amazing sight. She knew she would feed off this boy but if he proved to be useful like this all the time perhaps she would soon be leeching off of him in a different way than she suspected. And in a way that would be much, much more useful in the long run. After all, a drone to do your dirty work in a new land could free up a lot of time for more important tasks. Still, before she hatched any lengthy devious plans, she needed to ensure that she would have one hundred percent trust from the boy. So this was but a step in the beginning of her dark machinations.

Her ears flicked back as he admitted to her that the pack was only his adopted family. A brow arched. So, if this boy was adopted he may not be as dearly cherished as someone of their own blood. Sure, people could gain their attachments to the little orphans but in the end it was no skin off their back when they were gone. If she tried to lure him away from Crimson Dreams again it may prove simpler than if he had been one of their blood. She made a tsking sound and shook her head solemnly, looking at Denali for a moment as though he were a thing to be pitied. “Poor boy, it must be hard not living with a real family. But it looks like they play it up enough to make you happy, eh?” Seed planted. Now to let it sprout. Ah! Mothers! What do they know? Think they know the world, that's what, but really they're just trying to ruin the fun. Most adults are jealous of the young. It is sad, when they should be playing next to them they instead resent them and try to spoil their youth as quickly as they can. 'No fun' is the basic rule in any adult household. Of course, they try to hide it under other rules, but that's what it really boils down to. Eh, son?” She caught the look on his face and examined it, wondering if she had bored him yet or if he followed. Well, the seed was fertilized, best not to over water it. Subject change.

“Oh, just what I love to hear!” She cried and clapped him on the back with praise. “You go do your hunting, and I will be right here with your prize when you return.” She watched the boy go. He never did quite leave eye shot, but once he was far enough out she let her heaviest pack and bundle slip from her shoulders and placed them onto the ground. They were far enough from the borders now that she could lighten her load for a little bit. She found a place in the grass to sit and untied one of her more fortified leather pouches from her shoulder belt and began sifting through the hidden contents.

Her ears twitched as Denali came back, hearing his footsteps tromp through the grass. She looked up at the boy and rewarded him with a wide smile. “So you caught something? Give it here and lets have a look.” She reached out and snatched the squirrel from the boy's hand. It was a snack, really, and looked like nothing more than a woodsy version of the vermin that crawled around on the streets and in the walls of End-World. She could not hold back a slight sneer. “Meager pickin's,” she criticized. The animal twitched in her hand. “But it'll get my belly started. I guess it's not a bad catch.” She wanted the boy to catch her something a little more substantial. Perhaps she could convince him to go back out.

“Well you still did me honest, so you may have your reward,” the squirrel twitched in her hand again, it seemed that it was starting to come to. She merely tightened her grip around the creature for it was far too dazed to struggle.

A hand slipped into the pouch she had set in her lap and when her palm returned she held out a small handful of leaves. “Here you go,” her voice was enticing. “Herbs. You take them and put them in your mouth, but don't chew them up and swallow them or you'll waste them. You leave them between your teeth and your cheek and kind of nibble at them. See?” She popped one into her mouth and made a demonstration on how to suck on the leaf. “You'll be feeling great in no time, and you can leave them there for a long time. A special... healing... herb that I brought with me. It makes you strong and have the energy of the gods. I have seeds. If you don't have these plants here then I will grow them and share them with the people here. It's really fantastic, you will see.”

She flashed a Cheshire-grin and held her palm out to Denali. There were enough leaves for one dose.

The rodent jerked in her hand again, coming alive. She squeezed it tighter in her fist and the eyes bulged. “Come on now, boy, hurry up so I can work on this little bastard. I can give you a trophy from him, too, if you like. Though I'm not sure he's going to be enough to fill my belly.”

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