Sand Cut
Voron appeared and disappeared in seconds, leaving J'adore a little confused. she returned however with supplies. 'Never knew you could patch up people' he smiled 'Fighting. With Alaki' he sighed. He wasn't the type to go around beating up people, but Alaki was being a cretin. 'I won' he stated childishly. He tried to smiled, but hissed as a strand of fur poked at an open cut. He cursed under his breath and rubbed the spot he had injured. 'I got sand in it... I was fighting up by the mountains...'. It hadn't been a sensible spot to fight, but Alaki faultered on the sand, there speed was matched, but J'adore was older, strong and a lot more stratigic. The scar passing over his eye was from long ago and hadn't been reopened in the fight, but there was a few scars around his eye that Alaki had caused. J'adore himself hadn't inflicted many severe wounds on Alaki, but he over powered him and in the end chose whether he should live. He decided to spare the grey's life, as it wasn't his to take. 'Thank You' J'adore said as she started her work.

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