blood on the plow

Onward her hand went, moving from color to color with ease; from the Lykoi symbol came her own, a stylized scarification that was above her breastbone was put onto the bone in a faint orange hue, followed by a sea of mottled green and blue. Art was her passion, at least for the landscapes about her, and with was with delicate strokes that she placed the visage of the Shattered Coast upon the back of the cranium. Perhaps hers would not be so ugly as the rest, but it still served its purpose. It was still a beautiful warning, a beautiful warning served to the horrors outside of her home.

A stranger's voice caused her to twitch, her brush marring the form of a vaguely shaped gull. She stopped the artwork, staring at what appeared to be a now ruined masterpiece to listen to the words of the offender. "I see you're a Lykoi..." Her crimson eyes snapped to his russet body. It was clear what he was. Lupus. Wolf. Filthy. He approached, and her body stiffened, fingers gripping what they held in a vice that was tighter than it truly needed to be. The male stopped short, giving her space, and it calmed her somewhat but didn't ease the anxiety that was forming.

J'adore Austral. He introduced himself so easily, but the Lykoi scrambled for a name for herself; he was a stranger, and how did she know he wasn't from Dahlia de Mai? Without thinking, she spit out what first came to her head: "Gabriel." Her father. She had used her father as an alias; from a distance, perhaps there would be confusion, but anyone who had met the de le Poer Aquila would clearly know that he was not a woman and that she was clearly not him. Still, it served her purpose to be Gabriel de le Poer for the time being.

"What a waste. Probably killed by stupidity, eh?" She scoffed at the thought; of course it had died from stupidity, it had been a wolf. Her prejudice was kept tucked inside of her chest for the moment, lest it cause a rift between herself and this larger male. Where her father couldn't find her. Where she was unprotected. His next question was easier to answer: "Halifax." She knew that much from various signs, able to read enough to understand what 'Halifax' looked like. She didn't turn her gaze back to the skull, preferring to watch and make sure this wasn't a threat.

Filthy wolves.


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