blood on the plow
She wasn't the Gabriel he heard about, he was male. Maybe she was named for him, a relation perhaps? Whichever way he didn't pursue the answer. His ears flicked when she mentioned Halifax, 'Ah, good oad of junk down there. Find anything there...' She seemed uneasy, he flicked his eyes away to make sure he wasn't being percieved as dangerous. 'I don't mean any harm' he chimed, surving the skull, 'I understand Inferner's are partial to culling wolves, but I assure you I don't mean to cause a fight... I have no problem with Inferni or coyotes...' He had no idea if he was helping himself, but the female didn't seem to be jumping for his throat. Which was a good sign. She paints? He raised his eyebrows, his white eyes flicking from skull to skyline. 'Sorry to ruin the little bit... I can make a greyish white cover paint to fix it, if you like...' His words were slow, yet easy and showing no signs of hard feelings. He was hoping the female would calm down and see he was no threat. He wanted to know if Inferners were that bad, but even so, one's actions would not slur the reputation of a pack. 'I'm not from Daliha, by the way...' he added, no that would be very bad... 'I'm from AniWaya, we are a peaceful pack'. He smiled half heartedly and kicked up the smallest cloud of dirt.

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