blood on the plow
'Nothing really, I walk a lot. I'm not really the person to hang around in the middle of the pack, more backstage...' J'adore explained. 'No doubt you've come to paint... For the borders I don't suppose' he added. He had seen the borders when he traveled to AniWaya in the first place. They were adorned with skulls. He hadn't visioned it as gruesome, but more artistic and pretty. 'I've heard people call the borders sickening... But if it's pack culture, why shun it? It's a free world for people to do almost whatever they like'. ANother one of his muses, he wouldn't shun anybodies culture, even if he disagreed. As he had voiced it was a free world. He sighed, 'I don't think joining AniWaya was a good idea though, there all spiritual.. and I'm not. Fullstop. I'm open to ideas but... I don't buy religion, personally'. He was open-minded, but he still had opinions. His guide was generally not abundant. She came and went and most days she was gone. She could be gone for a few days, coming back with a cheap 'Hi' and roosting between the sofa pillows. He twisted his earring, it had healed over well and he was now able to fiddle with it from time to time.

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