All the Pretty Little Ponies


He smiled as she laughed, it was a lovely sound in his ears. She was right, she did practically live here. He thought it was nice though, to take care of the horses, even when she really didn't have to, well at least he thought she didn't have to. He followed her gently as she cleaned up, lagging behind by a little bit. He thought about her question, how was he liking it here... "It's great. I love this place, so many great things to discover and well.. You. You have been so great to me. So thanks." He blushed slightly at his thanks and smiled gently at her. Ookami walked out of the barn gently, following her, still looking around him at his surroundings. He watched Adonia sit down on the stump and he walked over by there, he was about three feet away when he let himself plop down into the snow. He watched her, trying to figure out what she was thinking.

She thought for a minute then asked him another question, he shook his head lightly, "No.. Just a plain old wolf." He smiled, wandering what it would be like to have Luperci. Would it be cool? Fun? He didn't know, he made a mental note to ask Adonia about it later. He grinned at her expression, so interested and full of life. He loved how he could loosen up around her and how it seemed she loosened up around him as well. He knew they would become great friends.. and maybe more.? He had thought about it a couple times, never seriously but he couldn't say the thought never entered his mind with as a fleeting image. What was it like to have a mate? He wondered if he would ever know. Maybe one day.... maybe.

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