All the Pretty Little Ponies

-wordcount- 317-

Ookami was sleeping when he was awakened by a cold breeze. He woke with a start, once again he had had a bad dream. He shook his head in annoyance and got up. There was a light snow and he walked down to the river. He splashed his head into it, awake at once. He shook himself out, ridding his fur of snow and water. He looked around, the sun was just rising. He figured he would explore a little so he set out. He walked back to the top of the hill that the tree was on. He looked out across Phenoix Valley and smiled, so much nicer than Shadow Strength's land. He gave a nod of readiness and walked down the other side of the hill. He didn't exactly know where he was going but he didn't care.

He walked past the graveyard where he had visited sometime before. He had confessed about his past there, and nobody seemed to really care. It seemed that it was something that they heard everyday. He shrugged his shoulders, not really focusing on it too much. He walked by a place that Adonia had shown him. He stared at it, it pulled him towards it. But he stopped, Adonia said it wasn't safe, he believed her so he stayed away. He kept walking sniffing the air and smiling up at the sky. He sighed, the sunrise was nearly over. He heard a neigh of the horse and remembered the last time he had seen them. They were gorgeous wonderful creatures and he broke out into a brisk trot towards the barn. He stood on a hill and looked down at the pasture. He couldn't help but grin. They seemed to smell him in the soft wind and looked in his direction, a few whinnied a greeting and he barked happily back. He looked around, maybe Adonia was here....

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AHHH...WHY DID I POST AS ARO x.x pretend it's adonia..x.x

She was in her two-legged form when she worked seriously around the horses. Already she had cleaned out their stalls and gave them all fresh hay and oats, along with water. It was once she was done with that that she began to brush their mane's and overall body. She always saved her favorite for last so she could spend extra time with him. Overall they all got the same treatment, and attention. Though her last one always had just an extra bit of touching and attention. If another came up sometimes he'd whinnie to them or other times he'd allow it and she'd use her free hand to brush gently along the bridge of their long faces. Today was no different. When Ookami came to the barn she knew right away as one of the horses went to greet him. She was near the middle of the pasture. The snow didn't stick long in here as horses trampled and kicked it all about. If it wasn't for the long grass near the middle of the pasture mud would be everywhere.

As the horses moved to investigate the newest face to the barnyard, her eyes lifted from her horse, to look at Ookami. Her ears went back in a slightly shy manner. Not many saw her in her third form. In a way she felt the most vulnerable in this form. As her ears laid flat against her head, her eyes looked over to him, a light smile upon her features, "Hi there, Ookami..what brings you to the stables today?" She thought about shifting to her lupus form, but she would wait for a better time to do so. Her arms going behind her body as she held the brushes in both hands, her tongue came out to lick her muzzle in a display of nervous habit.



Ookami caught Adonia in his gaze and smiled. She loved the horses, he was absolutely sure of it. It was easy to tell. He stared down at her, admiring how much she cared for different creatures like that. He stared at the land around him, he took it all in at once. He loved the feeling of having a home. He had thought about it so many times, but the thought never got old. And he was glad. He turned his attention back to the field. He looked at each horse. Looking at their colors, the way the interacted with the other horses, their conformation... everything. He smiled, they were all so... Perfect He looked down at himself, he could never be that perfect. He knew very few wolves that he thought were perfect.

He smiled at Adonia when she noticed him, "Hi. Nothing. Just exploring, thought I might see you here." He smiled at her, his smile light and easy. It always came easily when he was around her. He hoped that comforting feeling he got when he was near her never went away. If it did he didn't know what he would do..

OOC-Sorry I know it's kind of short.!

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His reply was simple, and yet she wondered if it really was that casual, that simple. Her tail gave a light wag as she then began to walk toward the barn, "..well, of course, I practically live here." She said with a light-hearted laughter, her eyes glancing over to him as she moved to return the brushes and combs to the barn. She opened the doors and placed them upon their designated shelf. It was at that point she shut the doors to the pasture so the horses wouldn't get into the barn unsupervised. Granted, they'd probably enjoy being out in the pasture too much to want to come into the barn, however, there was hay that was meant to be rationed, and if they got into it, well surely, she'd be in a lot of trouble with Jefferson. Her eyes looked back up to him, " are you liking it here?" She asked to fill the silence while she begun to then walk to the other set of barn doors. Her ears back as she wondered about her appearance, was her gait odd? Was her fur all messed up? She was beginning to become overly self-conscious. Finally she got to the barn doors out of the ranch and she walked out and motioned to make sure Ookami knew to get out of the barn.

She'd wait till he got out before she shut and locked the doors. She was patient, and once all was done she found a stump and sat down and then decided it best to shift forms. She felt horribly awkward being in this form while he was in that form. Could he even shift? Before she attempted to she glanced at him remaining in the form he found her in today. "...are-I mean do you have luperci?" She asked her ears perking, head tilting lightly.



He smiled as she laughed, it was a lovely sound in his ears. She was right, she did practically live here. He thought it was nice though, to take care of the horses, even when she really didn't have to, well at least he thought she didn't have to. He followed her gently as she cleaned up, lagging behind by a little bit. He thought about her question, how was he liking it here... "It's great. I love this place, so many great things to discover and well.. You. You have been so great to me. So thanks." He blushed slightly at his thanks and smiled gently at her. Ookami walked out of the barn gently, following her, still looking around him at his surroundings. He watched Adonia sit down on the stump and he walked over by there, he was about three feet away when he let himself plop down into the snow. He watched her, trying to figure out what she was thinking.

She thought for a minute then asked him another question, he shook his head lightly, "No.. Just a plain old wolf." He smiled, wandering what it would be like to have Luperci. Would it be cool? Fun? He didn't know, he made a mental note to ask Adonia about it later. He grinned at her expression, so interested and full of life. He loved how he could loosen up around her and how it seemed she loosened up around him as well. He knew they would become great friends.. and maybe more.? He had thought about it a couple times, never seriously but he couldn't say the thought never entered his mind with as a fleeting image. What was it like to have a mate? He wondered if he would ever know. Maybe one day.... maybe.

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She was glad to hear he was really liking it here...well loving it actually. As his words went on, one thing she didn't expect...he said her. Her ears perked instantly and she glanced back to him, as he went on. She was glad to hear it was just for the fact she was nice to him. It bothered her though, why she felt the hot cold flash at the thought of him liking her. Was she fearing getting close to another? A light smile came to her, ''re wasn't hard..I mean, treat others as you'd like to be know?" Her eyes shown a softness toward him as she smiled a little more. It was just as she was taught to do as a pup. She was to treat others as she'd like to be treated. Something beat into her by her mother, and lectured into her by her father. And was beat into her by her mother, that wasn't said loosely in any way.

Her eyes looked up as she sat upon the stump to see him looking at her, she felt the need to blush. Not really about him looking at her, but the fact that somehow she found herself looking in his eyes. They were so brilliant looking in a way. She lowered her gaze as he spoke, '..plain? I wouldn't call you plain..and you can't be that old..I'm sure you're not much older than me...are you?" Her gaze came back up as her ears laid back in a slightly shy manner. It was at this point she decided to shift, "...sorry, I'm..going to do may take a minute." It wasn't often she ever shifted in the presence of another. Jefferson was probably the first to have seen her do so outside of her family. Perhaps Domonick had as well..a few times. Now Ookami would be the third to see her do so. The process took a few minutes at the most. She was born a luperci and therefore had more practice at it, and doing so twice to three times a day made her body become more used to the shifting, and therefore making her do so at a much quicker pace than one who only shifted once a week, or less.

Once the process was done, and her bones cracked into place and morphed into shape she shook her pelt. It didn't hurt really, but the sound of the bones cracking and morphing wasn't all to pleasant of a noise. Now she stood upon the stomp looking over to Ookami, her mind turning about with curiosity, "..had anyone in your family ever have luperci? Or your pack?" She asked her tone so inquisitive. Her paws moved lightly to come down off the stomp. It had shown that she was becoming more and more comfortable around the large silver sabled brute. She wasn't as submissive as she had been the day they met, but still she made sure to hold herself at a slightly submissive posture. Tail down and ears remaining back for most of the time she was around him. She knew she held a higher rank, but it was hard to break a habit she'd had for most, if not all her life.


OOC chatter goes here- Sorry! I know it is kind of hard to read where he is talking.

He smiled at her reaction to the mention of her name. He nodded his head at her comment he looked into her eyes, trying to figure out what she was thinking. She seemed to think about her past, something that had not been a good thing that had happened to her, he tilted his head slightlly but it was barely noticable. He smiled, he was glad to hear that she did not think of him as plain, and true, he was not old. He gave out a light chuckle, "Yes, I guess I am not old, I just kind of feel like it. Since my travles I have not truely been myself, I still feel tired but I am sure it will ware off." He smiled, silently hoping that the feeling would go away. He nodded his head as she asked to be excused then watched, amazed as she shifted forms. "Wow... That's amazing. I have never seen that before." He was truly in amazment. It was strange to him to think that someone could be something that they so did not even look close to. The sound was quite startaling but he did no more than blink. It was normal to her, so it was normal to him.

He smiled at her gently. He was glad he had decided to befriend Adonia. He shook his head, "No, no body was luperci in my pack or family that I know of. However, they did shift, it wasn't like a luperci shift though, it is kind of confusing..." He paused, wondering if he should tell her, Yes, he would. He took a breath, "They shifted into shadows... That is why I was an outcast, they were all black so they could form into shadows, and I was gold, which doesn't allow me to do what they do." He smiled, he was finally out in the open, now someone knew, he could talk about it and it wouldn't fill up inside him. He felt good now, very good. He tilited his head, wondering how she would take this strange information.

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^^ It's okay, I've just been highlighting it to read it ^^ No biggie.

She giggled a little at his words 'I guess I'm not old', how could someone guess they're not. Either way, he was cute to her, and it made her happy to be the interest of another. She liked the attention, who didn't? Who wouldn't? She nodded, "I'm sure it will ware off with some relaxing.." She reassured him. She knew the feeling, it was a feeling she hadn't had in a long time, not since she began to work with the horses. She had been around many luperci and non-luperci. But she hadn't ever been around a non-luperci that had never experienced luperci before so his reaction caught her off guard making her blush a little and smile some. She felt like she should have responded but she didn't, she just let him be in awe. He begun to explain his pack and family, then stopped. Her ears perked and she wondered what was confusing about it, and what other type of shifting was there? Finally he began to finish. She listened intently to him and her eyes widened. Shadows? She continued to listen quietly then digested it all before she spoke, "..there's nothing wrong with being different...I was an outcast among my family..I was the first mutt in the father mated outside of the pure lineage..and brother and I were never really accepted into the family..they were okay to us..but..that was about I can relate a little..." She came off the stump and shook her pelt from the odd tingly feeling as she thought a little more. It was the first time she had ever spoke of her family to anyone, and the first she'd ever spoke about her brother in a long time, but she tried to act like it was nothing special, "..I'm sure your if you ever melted into the shadows..if you're able to at all, you could shift into a more colorful could be an advantage.." She said not quite understanding how their shifting worked entirely but she could imagine his color could melt into fall leaves or bushes or something like that.

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OOC chatter goes here!

He smiled as she gave him reasuring words. "Yes, I am sure it will." He grinned. He watched her expressions as he told his story of his pack. When he paused she perked her ears, and when he explained about shadows her eyes widened. She gave another reasuring speech. He listened to her story, she and her brother were different too. "I like to be different, I personally think that being different is what makes the world how it is. But sometimes other people don't see it.." He felt that nobody in his pack was apprieative that he was different. When Adonia gave her thoughts he cocked his head, he had never thought about that before, and neither had his packmates. He grinned, "Well Adonia, you have made me feel better." He laughed, now he felt that maybe his pack had had a loss when he left. Maybe they were following him becuase they realized this after he left. He would never go back though...

He stood up out of the snow and looked around. It was a fairly sunny day but snow still fell from the sky. The clouds were big and puffy and were all shapes. He looked at a couple of them, trying to see something within them. He couldn't find anything from quick glances though. "Adonia.. Would you like to go for a walk?" He wanted to take her to his maple tree. He believed that it was very special. Weather or not she would see the tree the way he saw it was a thought.. Maybe she would just see it as a tree.. He didn't care though, he thought the tree was special and so he wanted to take someone to it.. Even if they thought it just a tree. He smiled at her, waiting to see if she would come.

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She could feel herself being much more relaxed around him, and she was happy to make him feel better, however, with this comfort she began to wonder if it would go away. She tried to hold onto it, and when he looked up to the sky, she too, looked. She saw all the clouds and her tail wagged, she loved clear skies, with the big puffy clouds, like stuff animal fluff. All puffy. Her eyes looked back down, to look at him as he asked if she wished to go for a walk. The fact that he wanted to be with her, to be around her made her feel special, and she gave an enthusiastic nod. "I love walks.." She shared as she began to take off with a slight playful bound, then slowed feeling a little embarrassed by her enthusiasm. In a way she wanted to play and bound around, but she wouldn't dare allow him to see her being puppy-like. She noticed some adults found it stupid, or wrong to be 'childish' but in truth Adonia was very childish and loved a little playful romp here and there. She was still testing the waters around Ookami and she hoped he wouldn't look down at her for being a puppy at heart. Still she calmed herself as she blushed at her sudden bounding and awaited him to catch up after her sudden running bound.

Ookami smiled as he agreed to go on a walk. He chuckled as she bounded away, then cocked his head as she slowed. He guessed that she didn't want to seem childish. However Ookami didn't care, he hadn't acted like a puppy for a long time and being a puppy was something he missed. She was ahead of him now and he mocked her bound and ran past her, gently nipping at her ear as he ran past, taunting her to run after him.

He turned his head around as he went passed her and smiled at her. He let out a small laugh and hoped that she would play along with him. He didn't want to seem foolish for trying to get her to play with him. Even if she didn't play with him at first he would still try to get her to play some more. He could tell she wanted to the way she leapt forward. He slowed down a bit, waiting to see if she would catch up with him.
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She wasn't entirely sure what the look was about at first, then she saw it. His eyes seemed to glimmer, then he laughed and she felt that maybe he was laughing at her, and then be bounded after her. At first she thought he was mocking her, but the moment he nipped toward her she knew he was willing to play in her game. Excitement bubbled over within her and she went into a burst of energy, energy she'd had bottled up for years, and she ran after in a rain of laughter. She came at him, ears back only to allow the wind to glide of her fur. She tore past him only to dance back bowing in a playful bow. She couldn't believe what was happening. She had a friend. Was it real? She wasn't sure but all she knew was that she was in joy and ready to test the waters more and see where it would go. So much for walking, playing was much more fun. A bark came from her, an ability given to her by her husky bloodlines. Her head went down to ruffle up the snow as she felt so electrified by the excitement to play, another bark came out of her, enticing him to move, to attack, to run. Whatever Ookami wanted to do. She was prepared to have fun, and get to know him more.

Ookami let out more laughter as she ran past him, then came back, She let out a bark and he laughed some more. He stopped and crouched down, he barked back at her and leaped forward. He smiled and nipped at her again. He ran past her though and then buckled his front legs and rolled. He rolled on the snow then laughed as he got back up and ran back to her. He playfully bumped into her, not hard but enough for her to loose her balance. He grinned at her and playfully growled, this time nipping at her legs. He fell to the ground and rolled over on his back, showing his belly he playfully acted as if he was submitting to her, as if in a real fight.

He smiled, glad that he had finally met someone that he could play with like this. All he had needed was to play like a pup and her giving the first step made him unravel and you could see his playful, fun side.
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She was overjoyed as he continued to participate in their play, she was still feeling a little awkward, but she was slowly getting over it with each romp, each roll, and each nip. She stood attempting to nip him back as he zoomed past in a run by attack, then buckled and rolled. She giggled her tail wagging none stop and her eyes glimmered with joy. As she went to assault him he came back nipping and bumping her over causing her to fall down and she went to her back attempting to kick him away, his growl made her nervous, but excited at the same time. He plopped down and the snow, and she immediately stood, never having anyone submit, even playfully to her she became curious, her tail raising a little, but not at all in a dominant manner. She came to investigate him, nose coming close to his sniffing at him. Her ears went back and she suddenly felt tense. She didn't quite understand why, but somehow it reminded her how she'd get a little tense around Domonick...but this was stronger...much stronger. She felt her cheeks go red, and she backed away in a whimper of bashfulness as she then bounded away feeling like an overjoyed horse all of a sudden.

She quickly dropped into the snow and began to bury her nose into the snow, her tail wagging and her eyes closing. Her mind began to think about what was going on with her. She knew she was growing to like Ookami. It scared her in a way, she feared attachments, even just having a friend scared her. It confused her why, but if she really thought about it, she knew one in her family was around long, or wanted her around--or so she thought. When she had a friend, she left her, when she almost had a mate, he left one ever stayed around her long, and she blamed herself. Attachments scared her, but she tried to not do anything to scare them away, or upset them in any way.

Her eyes looked up from the snow to Ookami, a light charming smile came over her muzzle and her eyes still glimmering, but in a shy way, watched him nervously, but with joy.

Ookami laughed lightly and wagged his tail joyfully as Adonia tried to nip him back. As he submitted to her her looked turned to curiosity and she sniffed at him. He let out a small chuckle, then was surprised when she backed away quickly. He cocked his head as she ran away, rolling and snuffling around in the snow. Did I do something? He hoped that he hadn't upset her. He trotted after her, tail up and wagging, ears perked happily and head held high. He was a little more cautious now though. He stopped in front of her, he looked at her and smiled. He stayed there for a moment before leaping towards her, he landed right in front of her then quickly maneuvered his direction and sprung left. He laughed again, and prances around her in a circle. He didn't think much, just focused on having a good time. He wanted to try to get her to okay some more and he looked gently into her eyes. Hers seemed to sparkle happily and also with a tinge of shyness.
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She watched him with an ever so happy manner. Adonia had always thought him handsome, and she admired how strong he looked, but she would never say anything, or let out that was how she felt, but when he approached she felt herself feel a playful shyness bubble within her. She jolted back when he pounced toward her and she went into a play bow letting out a growlish bark then bit down on a mouthful of snow and took off as he began to circle her. She ran in no particular direction, just that she wanted to have him chase after her, if he would. Unknowingly, she was heading toward the maple tree he had initially wanted her to go to. She was just running, the cool wind in her fur, and the feeling of excitement and adrenaline pumping through her veins. She wasn't watching anything in front of her, as her head would glance back to see if he was there, her speed would adjust if he wasn't there, but if he was she would speed up making it harder for him to catch up to her. Her legs strongly pushing through the snow, leaping through deep spots.

She saw the maple from afar, the symmetry of the tree unmistakable to her, she had seen this tree many times before, but it was in the fall that she admired it the most, still it was the perfect spot to lead him to, and to make it harder for him to catch her as she could use it to block his attacks. Her legs continued, any cramping, or any pain was ignored. She was having the most fun she'd had in her entire life. Ookami was the most kindest, and fun friend she'd ever had. He was her best friend, but she'd never allow him to know this, she'd never be vulnerable to him...or at least let him know just how vulnerable she was to him.

Ookami grinned and chased after her. He sped up whenever she slowed down, getting closer to her, then as she sped up he sped up even faster. He tipped his head back, letting the wind sort of slap him in the face. He let out a short and loud playful howl. It took him a minute to realize the direction they were headed in, but as soon as he saw the maple tree he smiled. He sped up after her, trailing behind her by a good four feet. It wasn't that far behind but he let the distance stay. He looked at the tree, an admiring look on his face. He looked back at Adonia and smiled. The sun let off a beam that shone on her back. He looked at her features, in the sun they were escalated, showing off how truly beautiful she was. He had always thought her pretty and this ray of sun underlined his believe. 

He looked at her. She was a friend. In his eyes a best friend too. He had shared his secret, the one that haunted him. And comforted him after he told it. He could feel his feelings for her growing every second that was spent with her. He was nervous about these feelings though, he had never felt these things before. He didn't want to tell her though. His whole life he had been rejected, and even though he trusted Adonia, he didn't want to be rejected again.
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She hadn't ever really been at this tree with anyone, not even Domonick, but then again she never really talked too much to Domonick when it came to the little things, by the time she started to feel really close he had disappeared. Now she had ran to the maple tree, and she almost feared sharing how pretty the tree was in the fall, all of it's vibrant colors, but right now, she wasn't thinking of her insecurities as much as she was thinking of getting him to chase her, to try and catch her. Running around the tree, it was an old tree, but that was all the better because it had a large trunk and running around it, she listened and turned around to ambush him. She hoped to tackle him and playfully grab his scruff. Her tail wagged with a lot of vigor, the excitement again bubbling within her. He had no idea what was coming..or she hoped he didn't. Her ears perked with intent as her eyes locked on where he'd be, her back legs tense ready to spring forward the moment he came around the tree. Her front paws would come forward to wrap around his shoulders and hold him so she could grab at his neck scruff and hopefully knock him down into the snow.

Ookami wasn't watching as Adonia disappeared around the tree. When he looked up, she was gone. He looked at the tree and cockroach his head. Maybe he was hiding. He slowed down for a moment, trying to think up a plan. He would try to pounce on her. He giggled then sped up, racing to the tree. The trunk was big and he didn't know which side to go around from. He made up his mind and trotted forward, he walked rift into Adonia's trap. He was slow around the corner, trying to see if she was there. He stifled a laugh and ruined his stealthiness with a sneeze, which also made him laugh. He stood for a moment trying to recover. He didn't think about what she may be waiting to do. As he stood there he glance up at the tree. He smiled, it was so old and majestic. It seemed to warm everything in it's shadows. The he finally trotted around the side of the tree....
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ooc: Hey, last post, then I'll reply later tonight ^^ don't know what time zone you're in..but...yeah ^^ ttyl ^^

She waited, the time seemed to lag on for what seemed like an eternity.Then finally, the large Himalayan wolf shown himself, and the moment he did she sprung forward like a pressurized spring. Paws moved around him, their bodies collided, fur mingled into one another and her mouth went around his neck gripping firmly onto his scruff her nose buried deep into his fur. Her body felt the fire of their connection, and his scent was strong in her nose. His scent was different the closer she was, and in a way, she really liked it...a lot. Still she tried to keep her composure and she followed through with her plan as confidently as she could, as much confidence as she could muster. Her teeth held on as gently as she could but keeping herself firmly onto him. She aimed for his body to go down, but he was at least a few good pounds heavier than her. Her only advantage was surprise, and hopefully that element would cause for him to crash down to the snow. Already the fact that she caught him, and the fact that her body was pressed to his caused a mixture of excitement and pleasure upon her.


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