blood on the plow


Pencils. Not a particularly foreign concept to the woman, and not one that she was interested in. It was the book that really got her. Books were scarce, pages mouldy and torn if present at all. It wasn't as if she could read much past the name 'Halifax', so it didn't truly matter, but a book that was made purely to keep drawings and paintings in was a wonderful idea. Her journal served the purpose of doodles, but those pages were not large enough for full-sized pieces of work. She tucked the concept into the back of her mind, ready to undertake the project when she returned to Inferni.

J'adore flipped to a different page, showing her the visage of another wolf -- "My half-mate, Valinta." -- before changing the page yet again. She snorted hot air out of her nose. 'Half-mate' was something she never heard, though she was not familiar with the word 'mate' either. In Inferni, there hadn't been mates. At least none that she could discern since her father and mother.

The next image was of horses. That was a topic she was comfortable with. Other animals. Inferni had several other creatures, from Donder and Blitzen to Maschine and Marlowe. Though she had none of her own, she had been around them enough to understand the allure. Something that depended on her would be a worthwhile investment.

Taking her fill of the sight of the horses, she turned her thoughts back to his half-mate, rubbing at the corner of her eye with a delicate finger. "Mateship is a foolish way to inhibit your life, but do tell me about this 'half-mate' thought you took up." She sat on the cold ground of the coast as she waited for the explanation, wondering just what made a 'half-mate'.

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