blood on the plow


Her fingers started again with delicate strokes that began to form a monsterous shape. A wolfdog with fur dark like her own. The Aquila, beautiful in body and mind, was scrawled across the yellowed bone in rich russet brown paint. J'adore answered her question promptly, though not to her satisfaction. It was still a vague concept. A lover from another pack was not, but to be willing to throw away family simply for that person? Incomprehensible. She knew that she herself would refuse such a thing, and she hoped her family felt the same. Allegiance to her family was first and foremost.

"Why don't you go to her pack, then," she suggested, in response to his words about this Valinta moving to AniWaya. It seemed most pleasing. He didn't enjoy AniWaya as it was, and she highly doubted that his friends would shun him for such a thing.

But her idea was lost to her as he confronted her about who she truly was. "You're not Gabriel." Tension drew her lips taught in a line, turning her head back to her art. "Gabriel de le Poer is my father." That was all he could get, not her true name. It was better than her entire lie about being Gabriel in the flesh. She was simply weary to alert others to this fact; Haku Soul had known, and Haku Soul had used it against them in her kidnapping.

She was relieved when he moved on to talk about the artwork once more. He felt they should be painted more symbolically, but she knew it was symbolism she placed. Using her claws so as not to ruin the paint, she pointed at the Chaos Star, a red flower in the meadow of her mind. "I did mark it with who claimed it. I claimed it," she murmured, her finger moving to tap the skull near the depiction of the great dogwolf. "For my father's land. It makes sense to me." A subtle smile crossed her lips as she reveled in her imagery. The ocean was simply a representation of her past, though it was not the same ocean of her memories.

"Do you know what started the Dahlian wars?"

Her jaw tensed, fingers gripping her paintbrush until it almost strained beneath the pressure. "...wolves are a monstrosity. But you would have to ask my father. Or the now reigning leader of Dahlia de Mai." She didn't keep close track of the hierarchy within the large pack of lupus fools. It was unnecessary. She simply assumed it was a child of Haku, a Soul, who ran the lands.

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