blood on the plow
J'adore shrugged,'I'm not, I'm just saying at least your not pouncing at my throat'. He didn't in the least understimate her, he knew she was fully capable of killing him. But he admired that fact she was reserved enough to refraim from mauling him. 'Cool' he muttered simply as she scoffed at his book. He packed his bag and turned to the Lykoi. 'So, since I hope you don't see me as a threat, what is your actual title?' he streached his legs out and spoke again. J'adore was hoping she would see him as an allie, something useful, anything but an enemy. 'You like vodka?' he said, feeling parched and starting to look for a certain purple glass bottle. He found it after a few seconds and and set it aside. He really should have been setting off then, but this woman was enticing him, she was more complex than a rubicks cube to a horse. Of course she didn't faze J'adore. If a fight was to arise, J'adore could fend her off easily, but he didn't want a fight today, he was still recovering from Alaki's attack and he was just an Anatheman, god knows what a Inferner could do. He had better things to do than fight, like talk.

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