blood on the plow


He shrugged, catching her crimson eyes again before she turned to put the final touches to her skull. His words continued to come, her ears open to hear without her eyes to watch him. She heard as he moved around, putting things away before speaking once more. What is your actual title? Her real name. Her lips pursed, fingers tensing briefly before she allowed herself to relax.

"Talitha Lykoi."

She didn't share her father's de le Poer name, a fact she resented but covered up with the pride of bearing her grandmother's equally prominent surname. Ezekiel was named with the de le Poer tag. She seethed with envy underneath of the love and adoration she held for the males of her nuclear family.

Her ears twitched at the word 'vodka', eyes slipping from her work to the face of the wolf beside her. "No...I don't drink." The words were spoken slow and quietly. It was a blatant lie. She drank frequently. But it was too far from home to get drunk with a stranger, too close to Dahlia de Mai. The circumstances were a poor choice for such an act.

A sigh escaped her and she turned her ruby eyes out over the rolling waves of the ocean, studying their ebb and flow against the shore that sat before them. Her mind clouded with thoughts of her father and years past, drawn in by the topic of the war that she had suffered through. Her eyes closed.

"Haku Soul was a violent creature. That's what started the first of the wars between Inferni and Dahlia de Mai." She didn't refer to the monster with pronouns indicating he had gender. It would have given him too much in the way of humanity, and she felt he had no soul. There was nothing he deserved in the way of being treated as if he had.

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