blood on the plow
He just nodded. He decided to change the subject to a lighter one, 'This is a nice scene, I love the sea...' He, himself, grew up in a port city, Santander in the south of Spain. He was a strong swimmer and could how his breathe for ages. He had always been in love, not only with the sea, but with nature as a whole. The leaves, the trees and the very freaking earth itself, but unlike most of his pack members he didn't see it as a brother. A deity of some sort perhaps, but not a brother. He found the sand hypnotic too. The way it bent and moved with the air, it's heat in the midday sun. The rustling of the leaves in the tree awed him too. He streched his leg again and stood up, 'Hope you don't mind me, but I've gotta go. Nice speaking to you' he smiled. He didn't notice that his vodka bottle was still unpacked. He didn't have anywhere in particular to get to, just home mainly. He needed to write down a few things and read up on a few more subjects and the time to do that in was dwindling. He loosened up his shoulders and smiled again, waiting for Talitha to speak. The breeze tossed his hair again and he ran his hand over it to stop it from blocking his view. It was getting a bit dark now.

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