planetary duality

Kansas smiled to himself as his eyes bore into the sky above him. He could spend hours looking at the stars, especially because it was always possible that he would see one of them burst or perhaps fly across the sky. There was nothing closer to magic, except love.

Rustling nearby startled him to his feet. Even on serene nights, Kansas never forget that danger lurked everywhere, and his instincts bristled the fur along his nape and made his eyes search all around him. He thought he was all alone. To his shock, he knew the man who had disturbed him, his earthy face faintly familiar as it appeared before him, presumably from lower on the hill. Kansas relaxed as the man spoke, though he hadn't expected such a warm greeting from someone he knew so little. At first, he couldn't even remember a name, and it made him silent for a full minute.

"J'adore. Good to see you, man," he said, finally. He chuckled awkwardly, his face heating up with unspoken shame for having forgotten someone who clearly remembered him. "Crimson Dreams is still... going strong," the pack seemed to get more tightly-knit as the months passed, its bonds showing no signs of weakening. "Why'd, eh, why'd you leave?" Kansas asked softly, only curious, although he hoped that nothing about his pack had caused J'adore to seek a home elsewhere.


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