Let The Water Fill our Lungs,
He shrugged, 'No'. He was just pointing out he didn't want to fight. 'Just making sure you didn't attack cause you though I was going to attack you' he noted looking towards the sea. Why did all Lykoi's have to be so... difficult? Wait, weren't some of the Inferner's part wolf? Better not bring it up, it could turn the conversation sour. J'adore was not up for fighting, for most of the time J'adore was a calm, gentle person. He didn't fight... much. Flicking a few last beads of water from his ears, he sighed. The female didn't scare J'adore in the least, he'd been attack by a shark in shallow waters while in Portugal, it hadn't been a very large one. It had been about the size of J'adore himself and didn't pierce his skin. Same difference, he'd faced Lynx as a pup and bears in Russia. There wasn't much he was afraid of, which is probably why he could come across as arrogant. But to be honest he was a tiny bit. He never let it show, he wasn't stupid. Perhaps he was, swimming in ice cold water. Then again being from a hot country you'd think he wouldn't last a second, but he could, he was able to endure freezing temperature, thanks to his stay in Russia.

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