Can't Fight the MoonLight.

OOC: the part that is underlined is Kea's (the raven) dialouge.

WC: 600+


This was truly his little piece of paradise. Since his youth he had always loved snowy plains, they always showed perfect opportunities for him to finds something interesting to play with, some rock or branch or even the snow itself. The arrival of dusk only made it all better.

A pair of raven cries broke the calm of the darkening area, the source bolted though the sky like a black and feathery arrow, a dark gray form following not so far behind. The black bird would sometimes slow down and get into the beast’s level, using its ebony claws to grasp some of its thick fur. In response he would jump in a try to reach for the offending bird, a joyful laugh sprouting him each time he would fail to do so. Sometimes when the bird came down he would draw a sudden stop by standing on his back legs, twirling around and falling, only to rise back up and try once again in catching his feathery companion.

This kind of simple activities were the ones that brought joy to his life, even more than hunting or doing anything else, he had always been a child at heart and he loved it that way. A sudden rush of scents attacked his nose, this fact not stopping both runners. It was the combined scents of food and of another wolf, the golden wolf that was known as Ookami it was, or so his nose was telling him.
It seemed the female raven had caught them as well, as her direction was abruptly changed towards that direction. Oh what a greedy raven she was, looking for more food when she had already had her full with a poor mouse.
He saw an opportunity, a large and snow covered boulder was not so far from him. If he were to time his jump well he could finally catch the fleeing bird, but if he failed he was most likely to fall down on his face, like he always did. Taking the chance he sped up, lowering his body in preparation for the jump. As soon as his claws made contact with the frozen surface of the boulder he pressed his body on it and jumped. Just as he expected he had given the jump too soon as he only barely touched the bird’s tail feathers.

Not being quick enough Falgar fell right on his face, rolling around the snowy ground for quite some time, during all the process he kept his eye closed. When he reopened them he found himself right in front of a wall of golden pelt. It was Ookami and he was upside down with his nose touching the Genus chest.

Green eyes widened as he fought against his own body to stand up, why had he always made a fool of himself in front of others?

“Oh I am so sorry Ookami”

his apology was accompanied with a pair of quick bows

“I am sorry if I offended you”

the guilt could not only be seen by his voice but by his pulled back ears, frown and lowered pose.

“I tripped and I couldn’t stop myself from rolling around, I am so sorry”

he lowered his head, not wanting to face the golden wolf’s face, if he were to get angry for almost crashing into him Falgar found it better not to see it.

Kea landed on a nearby rock while crying continually, her weird way of laughing.

“Hey clumsy, better luck next time!”

she kept doing that for quite some time until she finally eyed the food, not wanting to get near it due to the larger wolf’s presence, instead he bobbed her head around while observing.

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