
WC: 387 3 points

Jace panted now, she was running through the snow following the scent that caught in her nose, but it was fast fading. Her relief at finding Temo's scent quickly turned back into distress and worry, was she going in the wrong direction? She carried on, the snow getting deeper so that she had to leap over the drifts that were forming.

She shifted into Secui form and immediately felt the benefits of a bulkier body wondering why she hadn't done so before. Planting her feet firmly into the ground she raised her head to the white and grey sky, letting loose her voice again to those who could hear it. As soon as she stopped she listened, hard, her ears swiveling constantly

The perked as she heard an unfamiliar howl, she paused and raise a paw from the ground and howled back. Any company was good company, maybe this wolf was lost and she could help. Jace decided it was better to stay still since running around would most likely make the two wolves miss each other in the blinding white.

Another series of howls joined in the fray, her tail wagged as she recognized Falgar's voice within the howl, ignoring the urge to rush towards the two wolves she kept on howling at regular intervals, relaying her position. then she did hear his voice, calling out her name,

"FALGAR! I'm over here" Then she heard the howl of the male she had been searching for, she howled back to him, calling out his name, relief shooting through her body. But her relief was short-lived as she heard a loud snap coming from behind her. She whirled around to see a tree that was leaning dangerously over, the snow caught up in its branches too much for the old tree to stand, beginning to give way.

Fear grounded her, locking up her legs and numbing her brain as it began to fall towards her with groans and creaking noises, a small gasp escaped her lips, ripped away by the wind and flung into the storm as its last tethers to the earth gave way and it plummeted down on top of her, her scream of terror echoed out into the storm before cutting off sharply as the oak crushed her into the ground, her vision going black.


Jace "talks", 'thinks', and walks.


Table by Kaena Lykoi <3

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