Can't Fight the MoonLight.


Ookami was still dragging the fawn along the road when he caught site of Falgar playing with Kea. He looked down for a moment and when he looked back up Falgar was rolling and toppling down the hill towards Ookami. He stood where he was, head cocked and an amused expression on his face. Falgar stopped right at Ookami's feet and his nose was pressed against Ookami's chest. Ookami glanced down at him with the same amused look. Falgar tried quickly to get up and he apologized, Ookami just laughed, "That's all right Falgar, you did not offend me." He was still laughing as Falgar explained what had happened. In Ookami's eyes what Falgar had just done looked like a lot of fun. He stopped laughing as he watched Falgar look away from Ookami, thinking that he was going to get angry. "Hey, I am still young, only 13 months old everyone needs to have fun sometime right?"

Ookami smiled, waiting for Falgar to raise his gaze back up. He laughed as Kea came and made fun of Falgar. "Hello Kea. Nice day for some fun isn't it?" He smiled at the pair. He watched as Kea eyed the fawn. Ookami set the fawn's head on the ground and stepped away, "Go ahead Kea, I am finished with it."

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