(M) Tie me to the bedpost(p)

WC: 178 OOC: Big Grin

Niro smiled as she wrapped her arms over him, thankful to have her here with him. It was so nice to be able to have her in his arms. She gave him shivers as she ran her hand through his mohawk, it did not feel unpleasant, in fact it felt like the most natural thing in the world to him, thought it felt nothing like that when Orin did it, just the woman here in his arms. Though she wasn’t for long. She pulled from his grip, and he let her go, but kept his smile as she twirled around to show him all of the dress.

I think it looks beautiful!

He said, letting his eyes take her in, the orange/red of her pelt, her purple eyes which the dress was bringing out quite nicely, her beautiful soft hair.

Actually… I think you make it look beautiful.

He said after he had his fill of her, he had never been one to put on the charm for just any woman, but for her he would do anything.

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Table by Sie

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