
fail post >.<

She stopped her feverish scratching against the underside of the tree, it was getting her nowhere. She twisted her head as she heard someone shout words of comfort at her, she didn't know the voice but she could tell it was female. She started as she heard digging next to her, wait..didn't they know the embankment of earth they were digging at was the only thing keeping her uncrushed? Scratching around she shouted out to the helpful but misguided female,

"WAIT!! Don't dig there, if you dig through the embankment there will be nothing holding the tree up. It'll crush me!"

Trying to push up against the tree with her paws, she was surprised when it moved just a little and she could breathe some easier for a few seconds until the strength in her paws gave out and the tree settled back into place against her chest. She panted trying to get as much air into her body as possible, she was really worried now, she had heard Temo's howl earlier he should have arrived by now, again she called out to the female,

"Please, can you help call for my friend, he's not built to survive weather like this, I'm worried he's gotten lost.


Jace "talks", 'thinks', and walks.


Table by Kaena Lykoi <3

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