All the Pretty Little Ponies
Ookami let out more laughter as she ran past him, then came back, She let out a bark and he laughed some more. He stopped and crouched down, he barked back at her and leaped forward. He smiled and nipped at her again. He ran past her though and then buckled his front legs and rolled. He rolled on the snow then laughed as he got back up and ran back to her. He playfully bumped into her, not hard but enough for her to loose her balance. He grinned at her and playfully growled, this time nipping at her legs. He fell to the ground and rolled over on his back, showing his belly he playfully acted as if he was submitting to her, as if in a real fight.

He smiled, glad that he had finally met someone that he could play with like this. All he had needed was to play like a pup and her giving the first step made him unravel and you could see his playful, fun side.

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