
Temo Wolfe

White. Nothing but swirling white. Cold.

Temo stopped and listened. Was that a howl? Or was it the wind? No, it sounded different than the wind, and it sounded closer. He tried to howl an answer but couldn't get the air into his lungs. Shaking his head, he wondered what was wrong with him. He started forward towards where he thought the howl came from. Whomever it was could help him find Jace. He pressed on through the snow. The endless snow. Suddenly the ground was gone and he falls into the dirt.

Temo laid in the dirt, the snow falling onto him. It felt good to his tired muscles to lay down, to rest. Sleep. He wanted to sleep. No, he couldn't sleep, he had to find Jace. Dirt. Why was he laying in dirt when all he had been seeing was snow. He slowly got up onto his feet, so tired, but can't rest. Looking around, temo found he fell into a shallow trench that was recently created, the snow just starting to cover the ground.

It was a long trench. It seemed to go off into invisibility in the blowing snow. He followed it for a few yards and it still kept going. A tinge of blood wafted into his nostrils. Smelling around, he found spots of blood in paw prints. There is someone near by! It didn't seem so cold any more. With some renewed energy, Temo set off following the trench and blood.

Cold again, his energy sapped. Voices? Was he hearing voices or was it the wind playing tricks on his ears? Was he seeing others or were they tricks on his eyes by the evil snow. He stopped at the end of the trench, a log in his way. He stared at it for a moment trying to comprehend why it was there. Then looks up at the dark shapes that he thought he saw, "Jace, is that you?" he whispers.


Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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