Into the unknown
OOc: I hope its still okay to join Tongue Is this taking place in Eclipse or another territory? ^^'

Leon stared lazily at the she-wolf as she ate from her kill. "So," He whispered. "It was a loner?"

Having heard the sound of running deer, he assumed there was a hunting pack nearby. 'Coming this close to Cercatori D'Arte probably wasn't a good idea...' He had thought, ducking into a nearby bush. He crouched low to the ground, watching as a deer came into view, followed closely by a she wolf. He tilted his head as he observed her color. His ears perked forward as he saw her take down the doe, ending its life quickly before beginning her meal.

Leon stood up. He was down wind of her, so his scent was hidden as he stalked closer. However, the more he examined her scent, the more paranoid he became. She had not signaled before she ate, so she was alone. But the scent of Cercatori D'Arte clung to her. "Perhaps... not so alone." He thought, still continuing forward. He paused as the wind shifted. He was still twenty feet away from her. Raising his head, Leon signaled his presence to the 'lone' female, before walking closer. He wanted to be within speaking distance before he sat down.

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